
Manager gave me some friendly advice: resign.

About 1 year ago, my manager, also company ceo (named idiot bro #1) started treating my colleague and I like crap. Were both middle managers, in-charge of product design and maintenance. Manager would complain about defects, without giving any detail on what the defect is, then complain that were wasting time when we try to ask stakeholders what the defect could be. Ultimately wasting days for our teams time to investigate and find defects that really didn't exist. Then he would complain that other work which was due, was not done due to the time spent on the mystery defect. Let's My colleague had enough and quit. She was replaced by a senior product manager, who I would report to. Meaning I no longer report to idiot bro #1. This new manager seemed very professional and understood our operation was a bit janky. I began to trust her and explained…

About 1 year ago, my manager, also company ceo (named idiot bro #1) started treating my colleague and I like crap. Were both middle managers, in-charge of product design and maintenance. Manager would complain about defects, without giving any detail on what the defect is, then complain that were wasting time when we try to ask stakeholders what the defect could be. Ultimately wasting days for our teams time to investigate and find defects that really didn't exist. Then he would complain that other work which was due, was not done due to the time spent on the mystery defect. Let's

My colleague had enough and quit. She was replaced by a senior product manager, who I would report to. Meaning I no longer report to idiot bro #1.

This new manager seemed very professional and understood our operation was a bit janky. I began to trust her and explained the difficulty we'd bad with idiot bro #1. She understood and said if there are more problems, let her know. As she became more familiar with our operations, she would ask more and more why we do this or that. I'd always say “hmm, there is a story behind that. Few years ago we tried to change it but idiot bro #1 insisted it remain”.

This was often the case. Idiot bro was constantly micro managing, getting in the way and just being an ass. Classic pointy haired boss. I explained to new manager that I plan to resign. She told me to document all of my concerns and stay until Jun 2022. If she hasn't resolved all my concerns, then she'll fix it so I leave with a big bonus.

Fast forward a few months to Jan 2022, another colleague accidentally walked into a board meeting. Our office was closed for covid so he wasn't expecting anyone to be there. He said he saw a road map written on a white board. It said under Feb “terminate op —> Philippines $30k.”

He, and I interpreted this to mean that they will sack me and move my job to our sister company in Philippines.

I was a bit shocked however the way I read this, I expected a redundancy payout.

First Friday of Feb I was called into a meeting with ceo idiot bro #1, new manager and the coo. Idiot bro explains there have been multiple complaints about my conduct, consistent underperformance and bodyoder. I've been working from home since March 2020, so not sure where the bodyoder complaint is coming from.

I was put on a 5 week contract to improve of be demoted or terminated.

I asked how I'm underperforming and what steps I should take to improve. I was told that a person in my position should not need to be told how to do their job. This response is, according to my countries fairwork laws, is illegal. They must be able to articulate the problem and steps to a solution.

During the five weeks this new manager became very friendly, encouraging me to improve and going out of her way to give me hours of advice. None of which was actually helpful or relevant to my problem. I quickly realised she was not my friend and not trying to help. She is infact a key player in this game, and she is trying to settle the issue with her conscience.

I'd already began looking for work but putting all the pieces together, I doubled my efforts.

Putting all the pieces together, I realised I was sacked, regardless. A year ago, boss getting mad at nothing. New manager telling me to document concerns, warning with no actual substance…

On the final week of then warning period, this manager, now named Judas, gave me the advice to resign. She said it's so we can leave on good terms and the warning will be torn up. Who cares if the warning is torn up if I'm sacked. Future employers won't know about it. Only benefit for me to resign is that I can't sue for unfair dismissal. That's good for them but bad for me.

I wrote a letter explaining that obviously my role (not me) is becoming redundant, as such I offer my resignation on the following conditions. I then listed my terms. Besides all the usual payout stuff like leave and any owed bonuses. I also demanded they I be paid an extra 4 weeks. This will essentially mean I'm being paid the minimum legal redundancy package for my company.

They agreed and, despite paying me 5 days later than I stipulated, I still got paid.

They gave me a grand farewell with a kudo board and all the bells and whistles anybody could expect after 8 years of work. They even gave me a $400 voucher for some bullshit online store one of the directors has shares in.

Since then I've taken a Fiji holiday before getting stuck into a job search.

I don't think they realise how important I was to the company. Several people have contacted me asking for advice. I keep telling them that I'll help them with anything they need, unless it's work related. I cannot help them with work related issues. Fuck em!

I just emailed Judas to ask if she can spread a company wide memo kindly asking employees not contact me.

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