
Manager ghosted me after I accepted his job offer…

So I had a really nice interview a little over a week ago which resulted in a job offer in my email inbox the next day. Cool, sounded good. However, earlier that week I had made a pretty huge move out-of-state so I was still trying to get all of my loose personal threads together before committing to anything. I made sure to notify the manager that offered the job, to which he acknowledged stating that he “understood” that I wanted a few days to go over the offer as well as tie up those personal issues that were still lingering from moving. After about five days I was able to settle everything and I confirmed an acceptance of the job offer. I also wanted to personally get in contact with him so that I could check in as well as apologize for the fact that it took me a…

So I had a really nice interview a little over a week ago which resulted in a job offer in my email inbox the next day.

Cool, sounded good.

However, earlier that week I had made a pretty huge move out-of-state so I was still trying to get all of my loose personal threads together before committing to anything. I made sure to notify the manager that offered the job, to which he acknowledged stating that he “understood” that I wanted a few days to go over the offer as well as tie up those personal issues that were still lingering from moving.

After about five days I was able to settle everything and I confirmed an acceptance of the job offer. I also wanted to personally get in contact with him so that I could check in as well as apologize for the fact that it took me a bit longer than I intended to handle everything at home. I tried calling a few times over the span of two days, contacted the business, and another woman who worked there did confirm that the manager “knew I was trying to get in contact with him, but is super busy today because the regional managers are visiting, so he'll totally call you back later”.

Nearly three days later since the last time I tried to contact and I've still not heard back. What is this childish BS?? I mean, yes, I get that no word is probably a no, but seriously?? After offering the job and making an agreement that I could have some extra time before accepting it??

I'm just so tired. I've had so many job opportunities fall through in the last two months. I thought this would be it. Once you're past a certain stage, it feels like a personal attack rather than the cold corporate machine. This guy is actively choosing to be immature and lack all adult integrity. I know I shouldn't be expecting that from managers of all people, but seriously. Seriously.

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