
Manager got mad at me for sitting at work, my knees dislocate

This is a bit of a vent, bit of asking for advice. I work at an amusement park. I’m the basic attendant, above me are supervisors, my manager (B), and AB’s manager A. I have a genetic condition called femoropatellar syndrome that basically means my knee cap shifts around and it’s painful. My knees have dislocated in the past. I wear knee braces on bad days. Yesterday, I was working at the entrance, which basically means I check wristbands and bags to make sure there’s no outside food or dangerous items. Standing is not necessary to do this job. There are chairs literally 2 feet away from me, so I grabbed one and sat on it to work. Literally no problems from the guests about this. A walks by and asks if I need to be sitting. I reply yes because my knees hurt, and she just huffs and walks…

This is a bit of a vent, bit of asking for advice. I work at an amusement park. I’m the basic attendant, above me are supervisors, my manager (B), and AB’s manager A. I have a genetic condition called femoropatellar syndrome that basically means my knee cap shifts around and it’s painful. My knees have dislocated in the past. I wear knee braces on bad days.

Yesterday, I was working at the entrance, which basically means I check wristbands and bags to make sure there’s no outside food or dangerous items. Standing is not necessary to do this job. There are chairs literally 2 feet away from me, so I grabbed one and sat on it to work. Literally no problems from the guests about this.

A walks by and asks if I need to be sitting. I reply yes because my knees hurt, and she just huffs and walks away.

I get that it’s a cultural thing to stand while working when it’s not required but this feels unreasonable. I can technically stand while working, but it makes my knees worse. Wearing a brace long term has negative effects (weaker knees etc). I’ve worn my braces more often in the few months working here than I did for the whole year before.

I’m just not sure how to handle this. My dad pointed out if I “make a fuss about it” they may just decide I can’t do the job. I actually really like this job, I get to work with kids and see them smile. Management is usually really great. B is amazing, my supervisors are good, A is fine most of the time.

It’s really frustrating to be treated like I’m slacking off, when A knows full well I am a good worker. I came in early when she needed me, I stayed 3 HOURS late when the person who was supposed to take over for me didn’t show. I’m not a bad worker or lazy, I’m just disabled and need accommodations.

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