
Manager guilt tripped me into going to work despite being sick, is this allowed?

I texted him 4 hours before my sleep that I have a headache and can't make it to my shift for tonight. After one hour and thirty minutes after my shift is supposed to start he guilt trips me into showing up for work. Tells me that he's understaffed and can't find a replacement, and asked me to come in an hour. When I show up he screamed at me and told me to let him know a day before the next time…

I texted him 4 hours before my sleep that I have a headache and can't make it to my shift for tonight. After one hour and thirty minutes after my shift is supposed to start he guilt trips me into showing up for work. Tells me that he's understaffed and can't find a replacement, and asked me to come in an hour. When I show up he screamed at me and told me to let him know a day before the next time…

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