
Manager of the location I’m assigned to is still being petty as heck…

So some you might remember seeing posts about how the location I'm assigned to combined with lack of support from the bumbling fool I have as a middle manager and processing issues lead me to daily panic attacks and a leave of absence late last year. Well since I've been back, I've been WFH which is hr approved because of these ongoing issues… I've found it nearly impossible to reach out to them for anything and they haven't sent me any new leads, they know I'm back but are mad that due to my mental health issues and being out I neglected to call some people back… Ya know because I was preparing for and going on a leave that I was told not to run around telling everyone and their mother about. Evidently because my direct manager was out at the time also they somehow were never notified of…

So some you might remember seeing posts about how the location I'm assigned to combined with lack of support from the bumbling fool I have as a middle manager and processing issues lead me to daily panic attacks and a leave of absence late last year.

Well since I've been back, I've been WFH which is hr approved because of these ongoing issues… I've found it nearly impossible to reach out to them for anything and they haven't sent me any new leads, they know I'm back but are mad that due to my mental health issues and being out I neglected to call some people back… Ya know because I was preparing for and going on a leave that I was told not to run around telling everyone and their mother about. Evidently because my direct manager was out at the time also they somehow were never notified of the leave so they're also mad about that… Again not really my fault/problem…

Anywho, here comes the fun part now… I had a call with my manager and this locations regional manager (who I have an OK relationship with. She helped get me this job to begin with but I should have pushed back about the location she reccomended me for knowing the horror stories I've heard of this particular manager who runs it) yesterday… I explained my side, they basically said they won't move me because of performance (directly connected to this location not sending me leads and my apprehension about working with them leading to crushing anxiety again lately) and want me to try to repair the relationship/start fresh… Fine. So be it, if they want to stop being petty pains in my butt then I'll help out.

So this morning the regional manager for this location set up a quick 5 min call to reintroduce me, kind of explain the situation and have me let them know I'm here to help so send stuff my way. I even apologized that they weren't notified of my leave, I didn't place any blame on them or point fingers even tho there was plenty to go around. I just said I'm here to help, I'll make sure to call people back as soon as I'm able, if I'm with someone or on a call please let the client know I'll call them back, get a best time to reach out so I know I'll get them etc etc.

Well when she gives the manager her time to speak first thing she does is lay into me about how people didn't get called back, when will I be back in person, they were never told I was out blah blah. The regional manager kind of shut this down and explained I won't be in and leave it at that you don't need to know why basically and that she spoke with me and I gave my commitment to make sure I'm reaching out to clients etc.

I thought that was that, I reiterated I'm here to help and basically let's just move forward… Well we're getting of the call and the regional manager asks for the locations commitments… Instead of saying we'll try to send more, make sure we get times to call back or anything like that… She immediately started complaining about me AGAIN. the regional manager ended the call pretty quickly and apologized to me after but I told her flat out, these were the issues that lead to my leave and when I went back there in person that just dialed everything up to 11 and made me finally need the leave… And I'm not about to do that again because they can't get over themselves… Mind you for 2 years they've inconsistently sent me leads when someone gets on them about it the rest of the time they just don't send them or send them to our centralized call center because the manager doesn't like me and because I've worked from home since covid started has seen me no different than the centralized people

The worst of this is that there's a location I've been covering for who actually wants me there, sends me solid leads and does so consistently while respecting my time that they won't move me to because they won't open it until another location no one wants to work at is filled… I've basically begged to be moved there and they won't even after all this… My manager is now claiming they won't move me because of performance, but they still wouldn't even before my leave when I was doing pretty well and would have been doing better working in a location I actually wanted to be in…

I talked to my old manager who I worked with before this position yesterday and she basically told me she would never, ever work with this woman…. Hopefully I'll be out soon, I'm working on getting a license to do home inspections and open my own business so I can stop giving my time to someone else to take their cut before I get mine…

Had to take a leave of absence, things never got better. Had a call with the locations manager who's trying to rectify the situation but instead of just being polite the manager of the location decides to lay into me on a call with her manager who promptly shuts it down and appolizes to me… But still doesn't see that things won't get better because her trying to make her stop saying shit isn't going to make her feel differently about me.

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