
Manager told everyone what company I’m going to.

I'm annoyed as hell. I just quit a trucking company (tomorrow is my last day thank god). For a more extensive list of reasons I left, look at my post history. The tl'dr is that they were treating me like crap, expected me back 3 weeks after I gave birth the a whole human baby, and didn't fix my truck ever. One of the worst offenses though is that one of my coworkers for whatever reason found out the name of my stalker. My company was aware of her and knew I had an upcoming court date to get my restraining order in the next week or so. This was back in November of this year. The coworker for some unknown reason reached out to this woman and gave her my information. The list includes but is not limited to: my truck number, my manager's number, the route/times I drive,…

I'm annoyed as hell. I just quit a trucking company (tomorrow is my last day thank god). For a more extensive list of reasons I left, look at my post history. The tl'dr is that they were treating me like crap, expected me back 3 weeks after I gave birth the a whole human baby, and didn't fix my truck ever. One of the worst offenses though is that one of my coworkers for whatever reason found out the name of my stalker. My company was aware of her and knew I had an upcoming court date to get my restraining order in the next week or so. This was back in November of this year. The coworker for some unknown reason reached out to this woman and gave her my information. The list includes but is not limited to: my truck number, my manager's number, the route/times I drive, my new personal vehicle, info on my pregnancy (how far along i was at the time) and where I park. This woman called my manager who I believe confirmed my place of employment and I'm not exactly sure what else was said. She also emailed my boss with claims that I was a dangerous driver and was trying to run people off the road. My stalker has got a history of trying to run people (including my family) off the road, and trying to run over a pedestrian only to be thwarted my her passenger by grabbing the steering wheel. This ultimately totaled that car. My restraining order was granted so that's at least good.

I was oblivious that my stalker had contacted our been contacted by anyone in my company until January. Only thing I knew was that my coworker just quit talking to me and I had no idea why. He didn't even take the Christmas cookies I baked everyone. He quit in January and my manager “felt bad, and felt like she should tell me because she's my friend.” Finally told me that my stalker was contacted/had contacted my company. If I was not so close to giving birth I would've quit on the spot. I don't think I've ever been so angry ever.

Well anyway, I finally quit because I had found a new contractor within the same shipping company that had the hours, pay, and new truck I wanted. Only downside is I don't get to bring my dog with anymore. I understand that most of these people would eventually find out since I'm still in the yard, but it would've taken a while since i kinda keep to myself and I'm really never in one place for now than 10 minutes tops. My boss obviously would have to know where I was going since with cdl jobs they do have to verify driving experience. However, I told him specifically not to tell even the manager which he did anyway almost immediately. I reached out to her to ask if she would please not be telling anyone or discussing it with anyone out of respect. I've told no one aside from the new boss for obvious reasons. I was so excited to be away from it to some degree. We even get our own parking lot which is a good half mile away from the other lot.

So tell me why I've had over 10 guys come and ask me why I was going to legacy unprompted. 2 mechanics and at least 8 drivers from 3 or 4 different companies. At this point I guess they all know and I have to assume it's gotten back to my stalker. I. Am. Pissed. Tell me one good reason I shouldn't go off if I see my manager in person?

I'm not really asking for advice but I'll take it if you have any. I did need the rant though. Thanks if you've read so far.

Tl'dr. Fuck this company

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