
Manager told me I didn’t work tomorrow until…

She knew I am going to be out on vacation 2 weeks since the start I told her (1 month in this job). So this week they told me you work the whole week except Friday you have the day off and then Saturday Yes. Then she asked me about my vacation last minute today I told her again and then she says “two weeks?! With a shocked face, I tell her I told you…. Then she says you should come tomorrow so you keep practicing things you don’t know, it’s not like tomorrow there’s to much to do but you should come “if you want”. Guys what should I do? I’m fucking mad af… I made plans… and now the bitch wants me to come tomorrow… what would you guys do? Btw they are assholes in this place from the first place they’ve been assholes with me. Ohhh and…

She knew I am going to be out on vacation 2 weeks since the start I told her (1 month in this job). So this week they told me you work the whole week except Friday you have the day off and then Saturday Yes. Then she asked me about my vacation last minute today I told her again and then she says “two weeks?! With a shocked face, I tell her I told you…. Then she says you should come tomorrow so you keep practicing things you don’t know, it’s not like tomorrow there’s to much to do but you should come “if you want”. Guys what should I do? I’m fucking mad af… I made plans… and now the bitch wants me to come tomorrow… what would you guys do? Btw they are assholes in this place from the first place they’ve been assholes with me. Ohhh and she made a comment that really fucking made me furious af. She said you should come tomorrow to keep practicing the basics since you haven’t grasped them fully, usually when new people come if they don’t learn the stuff in 3 days then they won’t learn ever, (it’s assistant stuff at a doctors office) I got this job without studying anything as a summer full time job… so anyways she says that bullshit and says you are really behind after saying what she said about the 3 days and then says with a fake smile but I see the potential in you after frying my ass and telling me straight to my face that I won’t learn it which is false, problem is the training is HORRIBLE since my first day there was this other guy and a girl that hated me for no reason and made my first days hell no wonder how I didn’t learn shit in those 3 days… I’ve been very nice with everyone and I’ve paid the price for that but tomorrow I’m saying fuck it and I’m not fucking coming. I’ll take on the consequences… if it’s getting a new job fuck it in warning 9 dollars a fucking hour I could make more anywhere as a waiter. Opinions needed

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