
Manager tried to catch me with a made up policy

So I arrived at work two minutes before I was suppose to start my call centre shift. No worries. Log in no problem if I am a minute late starting. I’d called them, let them know my bike chain had broken and was on foot. Normally I arrive at work 15-20 minutes early. This time a manger starting hassling me about being late. This was a different manager than I spoke to on the phone. I was suppose to be there on time which apparently now suddenly meant 30 minutes early. I didn’t have to be at my station, but I was expected to be in the centre. I was annoyed by this as I couldn’t get my computer off the blank screen, and hit the power button thinking it was off. Of course the screen flicked on then to shut off. Now he’a really going at me. I said…

So I arrived at work two minutes before I was suppose to start my call centre shift. No worries. Log in no problem if I am a minute late starting. I’d called them, let them know my bike chain had broken and was on foot. Normally I arrive at work 15-20 minutes early.

This time a manger starting hassling me about being late. This was a different manager than I spoke to on the phone. I was suppose to be there on time which apparently now suddenly meant 30 minutes early. I didn’t have to be at my station, but I was expected to be in the centre. I was annoyed by this as I couldn’t get my computer off the blank screen, and hit the power button thinking it was off. Of course the screen flicked on then to shut off. Now he’a really going at me. I said if he got out of my face, this wouldn’t have happened. I called in about what happened. Go away.

30 minutes later he taps me on the shoulder and brings me to an office. He shows me the “policy” from day 1 of the company about the 30 minute rule. He was going to write me up.

Except it said “unsaved” at the top and was loaded with spelling mistakes.

Suffice to say, I had a target on my back when I pointed that out. Now any job? I arrive 5 minutes before start.

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