
manager tried to scare me into submission so I called her bluff

Manager put me in some sort of performance review because I'm “making too many mistakes”. After asking what those were I got 1) no answer and then 2) we can sit here all day and go through them (to which I said ok please) and then 3) no further comments. I asked my supervisor the same question, and after she couldn't give me an answer my manager told me to stop asking and to just accept what they're saying and that I'm in this review and whatever. As part of this performance review I'm confident enough that I'll be doing absolutely nothing differently because they have nothing. However, she has now decided that I'm no longer to be working flexible hours – just like everyone else in the company – and my hours are to be fixed. Flexible working is at the discretion of the manager but this is no…

Manager put me in some sort of performance review because I'm “making too many mistakes”. After asking what those were I got 1) no answer and then 2) we can sit here all day and go through them (to which I said ok please) and then 3) no further comments. I asked my supervisor the same question, and after she couldn't give me an answer my manager told me to stop asking and to just accept what they're saying and that I'm in this review and whatever.

As part of this performance review I'm confident enough that I'll be doing absolutely nothing differently because they have nothing. However, she has now decided that I'm no longer to be working flexible hours – just like everyone else in the company – and my hours are to be fixed. Flexible working is at the discretion of the manager but this is no longer working for me specifically.

I don't vary my hours daily, I come in at fixed times: 9:40 to 5:40 as determined by public bus schedules. This has been in verbal agreement between my manager and I since I started working here, and applies to not only me, but others in my company and many others in our industry park that rely on the bus.

My manager put in writing that I will now be required to work 9:30 to 5:30 for 9:30 meetings. I asked whether this was 9:30 sharp for the meetings, as I currently work roughly those hours but making 9:30 exactly is next to impossible because of the bus schedule. So I proposed that if that is indeed the case, I can simply work 9:15 until 5:15 to make the meetings. She said no I can't do that.

I sent an email back further elaborating the situation and how it would incur either 45 additional minutes of waiting around in addition to my commute due to the bus schedules, or £30 per day on Uber. I said that I don't find either of those things reasonable, ensured that I cc'd HR and said this doesn't work for me and I'll seek employment elsewhere if that is indeed the case.

A few hours later “9:15 to 5:15 is fine”

I'll be quitting anyway sooner or later. Hopefully sooner at another company. I don't forsee myself wading knee deep through any more bullshit to tell the truth. In other news I got my idiot colleague to admit the shiny new piece of equipment he wants to buy won't benefit us in the way he says it will and the cost to benefit ratio is marginal at best. I'm quite sick of working in a science company on a team that is anti-science and pro-politics.

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