
Managers laugh when I ask about my pay raise.

Office manager and head of programming have been hinting that I will probably be promoted to head of marketing for a while. They call me in for a meeting where we will discuss my new responsibilities. The meeting went on for about 45min and they loved explaining all the new tasks I will be in charge of. The meeting ends and they slowly start to get back to work. I sort of paused for a second, waiting for them to say what will be my raise, but of course that was not discussed. So I ask directly. Immediately both of them laugh out loud and say: “Money money money, all employees think about is money, why can't you understand that we are about pushing boundaries over here. Achieving new things in Software Development yada yada yada”. I wait a few seconds because I didn't think they were serious…….. Then from…

Office manager and head of programming have been hinting that I will probably be promoted to head of marketing for a while.

They call me in for a meeting where we will discuss my new responsibilities.

The meeting went on for about 45min and they loved explaining all the new tasks I will be in charge of. The meeting ends and they slowly start to get back to work.

I sort of paused for a second, waiting for them to say what will be my raise, but of course that was not discussed.

So I ask directly.

Immediately both of them laugh out loud and say:

“Money money money, all employees think about is money, why can't you understand that we are about pushing boundaries over here. Achieving new things in Software Development yada yada yada”.

I wait a few seconds because I didn't think they were serious…….. Then from their looks I figure out they are and just say:

“Why are you two here right now in this office if not for your pay? Don't you have a paycheck as well?”

They looked at me like I'm the devil or something and begrudgingly the programmer leaves while the office manager says fine….. Writes down my new pay on a paper (Because in his words ” the walls have ears here” and then strictly tells me never to mention my pay to anyone else.

This is still my favourite story to tell people because I was literally laughed at for expecting money…… For working…….

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