
managers thinking they’re more than they are

this isn’t a venting post, but more of a asking if anyone has anyone like this at their job type of question. i just started a new job at a retail store. they sell clothing, grocery, electronics, and home items. i was hired a week or so ago for electronics, and i’ve gone through orientation and training, the whole 9 yards. today though i was called to the home department, and requested to work there with someone. well that person left and finished their shift about an hour after someone called me over, so i went back to electronics. i then received a call to go to the back room where i was yelled at and told that my position is not electronics, and that i have been wandering over there on my own, wasting paid company time. i raised my voice and informed this person that not only have…

this isn’t a venting post, but more of a asking if anyone has anyone like this at their job type of question. i just started a new job at a retail store. they sell clothing, grocery, electronics, and home items. i was hired a week or so ago for electronics, and i’ve gone through orientation and training, the whole 9 yards. today though i was called to the home department, and requested to work there with someone. well that person left and finished their shift about an hour after someone called me over, so i went back to electronics. i then received a call to go to the back room where i was yelled at and told that my position is not electronics, and that i have been wandering over there on my own, wasting paid company time. i raised my voice and informed this person that not only have i been hired for electronics, but they have bounced me around like a ping pong ball from day one, and that it’s been ridiculous and i would appreciate it if i could be informed on what position i actually am so we don’t have this issue again. said person then sent me home on the spot. what the hell?

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