
Managers who want you back in the office… is it because that’s their only source of oxytocin?

Sometimes I get a hit of oxytocin in an unexpected way. When I see a haka being performed with gusto, for example. When I play a team sport. I guess some people get that from going to a big game. Musicians feel that way, I think, based on how I've heard them talk, when they go on stage. A feeling of belonging, of shared purpose, of going into battle, figuratively speaking, as part of a team. I wonder if that's how managers feel when they walk into the office and see all their minions working together towards a shared goal. And I also wonder, since these people have often sacrificed their personal lives to get ahead, whether some of them can't get it anywhere else. I'm just looking for reasons. It could also be a desire to micromanage, but they can do that remotely as well by just calling you…

Sometimes I get a hit of oxytocin in an unexpected way. When I see a haka being performed with gusto, for example. When I play a team sport. I guess some people get that from going to a big game. Musicians feel that way, I think, based on how I've heard them talk, when they go on stage. A feeling of belonging, of shared purpose, of going into battle, figuratively speaking, as part of a team.

I wonder if that's how managers feel when they walk into the office and see all their minions working together towards a shared goal. And I also wonder, since these people have often sacrificed their personal lives to get ahead, whether some of them can't get it anywhere else.

I'm just looking for reasons. It could also be a desire to micromanage, but they can do that remotely as well by just calling you up on Teams or whatever. It could be a vast conspiracy by the landowners who want to keep the value of real estate high, but I doubt it. These companies shoot themselves and others in the foot quite happily – if they could save money on rent, they'd do it even if it wasn't in their long term interests.

Is it just so simple as because they're lonely and sad?

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