
Mandatory Office Gossip day

Mandatory office day after months of WFH. Loved listening to everyone over the age of 40 complain about how they have so much to get done but no time to do it. Then continue to complain about their dumb kids, spouse and cost of living. Meanwhile I've gotten everything done for the day and I've had to look busy for the last 2 hours of work like to don't have shit I can be doing at home

Mandatory office day after months of WFH. Loved listening to everyone over the age of 40 complain about how they have so much to get done but no time to do it. Then continue to complain about their dumb kids, spouse and cost of living. Meanwhile I've gotten everything done for the day and I've had to look busy for the last 2 hours of work like to don't have shit I can be doing at home

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