
Math shows we don’t have a worker shortage

There is about 30M adults in USA that are unemployed and underemployed, and this is to include those not on the unemployment program. There is 10M job openings, and this is to include min wage jobs where you need to work 3 or 4 jobs to barely get by. Prior virus there was an average of 5M-6M opening. ​ The math flat out shows, there is far more unemployed than jobs out there. ​ (This is in the USA BTW) ​ ________ ​ Note for those not in the know. The unemployment numbers media and gov in the USA pushes isn't true unemployment numbers. It only counts those on the unemployment program, and in many cases the numbers are adjusted. Like most don't know this, but if you are unemployed for over 6 months, then you are automatically kicked off from being on the program and you aren't counted. If…

There is about 30M adults in USA that are unemployed and underemployed, and this is to include those not on the unemployment program. There is 10M job openings, and this is to include min wage jobs where you need to work 3 or 4 jobs to barely get by. Prior virus there was an average of 5M-6M opening.

The math flat out shows, there is far more unemployed than jobs out there.

(This is in the USA BTW)


Note for those not in the know. The unemployment numbers media and gov in the USA pushes isn't true unemployment numbers. It only counts those on the unemployment program, and in many cases the numbers are adjusted.

Like most don't know this, but if you are unemployed for over 6 months, then you are automatically kicked off from being on the program and you aren't counted. If you never went on it, maybe you were rejected or didn't try due to stigma. You aren't counted. If you do something like cut grass for next door and make $200 to help you pay for food or whatever. Then you aren't counted. I can keep going, but I think most can get my point.

There is even things like Bureau of Labor Statistics detailed, survey-takers misclassified a lot of people—around 5 million—as employed but absent from work, rather than unemployed on temporary layoff.

Real quick because it isn't straight forward. Why I added underemployed is because the following is what is considered

  • Skilled workers in low-paying jobs
  • Skilled workers in low-skill jobs
  • Part-time workers preferring fulltime
  • You can be unemployed and still counted as underemployed. The cutting grass for someone next door is an example of this.

Generally these are the people that are actively looking in the job market (so job openings 100% count), and many of these people they get paid just enough to live paycheck to paycheck, or they get paid below that and they are in debt or have to take several jobs.

Most are now labeling underemployment as the new unemployment because they are finding themselves simply not able to afford the basics even while being employed.

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