
Maybe don’t tell your boss you intend to be lazy?

First off, I'm on board the anti work train. But I've got some gripes with some of what gets seriously pushed here. I'm a boss. Think mid level. I do my own hiring, firing, pay raises, etc. I try very hard to treat my employees well. Won't ask them to do work I'm not willing to do, and I often take the crap work specifically so they know it.  Recently, my worst employee, a kid on the verge of being fired, went on an anti-work rant. He referenced the sub and all that. He literally told me, his boss, “I don't need to be the best employee. I don't even need to be a good employee. I just need to be slightly better than the worst employee so I don't get fired.” Holy. Hell. I tried not to stare. I know I'm a friendly boss and that I try to…

First off, I'm on board the anti work train. But I've got some gripes with some of what gets seriously pushed here.

I'm a boss. Think mid level. I do my own hiring, firing, pay raises, etc. I try very hard to treat my employees well. Won't ask them to do work I'm not willing to do, and I often take the crap work specifically so they know it. 

Recently, my worst employee, a kid on the verge of being fired, went on an anti-work rant. He referenced the sub and all that.

He literally told me, his boss, “I don't need to be the best employee. I don't even need to be a good employee. I just need to be slightly better than the worst employee so I don't get fired.”

Holy. Hell.

I tried not to stare. I know I'm a friendly boss and that I try to be more of a co worker than a boss, but you can't just tell me that. Especially when you are far and away my worst employee.

Said employee went on, over the course of the next couple of weeks, to explain his life (work) philosophy.

He told me working hard isn't worth it. He and all his friends have seen how hard they get screwed over with no reward when they work harder.

Can I just pause?

I've literally (not figuratively you heathen bastards) never heard this complaint in my entire working life from someone who even halfway deserved a raise/promotion. -caveat- I've been picky about the companies I have worked for. I know this isn't always true. But before insisting you work for one of those awful companies, make sure it isn't you who suck first.

When said employee told me there is no benefit or point to working hard I almost lost it. I got about as close to losing my cool as is possible, and said I would straight up fight him on that point. I've never seen the opposite. Not when I started my first job at 15, and never since. People who work harder, and try harder are ultimately rewarded.

He proceeded to try and give me a list of examples from his life where that wasn't true. I paused and (tried) to calmly as possible, list example after example that proved him wrong. 

I like the kid. I think he's got potential. I also think this sub has gotten in his head and is ruining his potential. While he was bitching I couldn't help but think about one of the supervisors I'd recently help get hired. She'd left the company for a better paying job- something I couldn't fault her for. I fought to get her to come back when the supervisor position opened up because she kicked ass. She got the job- a position almost parallel to my own- and a $7/hour raise. I was the primary reason she got that job. She didn't apply. She didn't even know it existed. I knew how hard she worked and how competent she was and I fought for her.

I will fight for my underachieving employee. I'll try to help him. But if push comes to shove, he'll still be the employee bitching that none of it is fair while people who bust their assess double his wage.

Don't let the idea of this sub lul you into sucking. I'm not saying accept being walked over or abused. It's fully possible to be under-appreciated. But God damn it, don't prove you don't deserve to be appreciated or paid more.

Work hard first. Then reward.

Rant over, you lazy heathens. 


In my way too long to admit life experience, most of y'all are alright and try hard enough. But some of you need a metaphorical kick in the nuts- you don't work hard, you aren't good at your job. You probably should be fired but the company can't afford to at the moment. You know who I rarely have heard this bitching from? People who deserve raises and promotions. Know why? They get them. Because they don't suck. 

And if you see this, Chris, you lazy fucker, I can only pretend to come jump your car so many times. That's a brand new battery and alternator. Just admit you partied too hard and slept in!

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