
“Maybe if they got to know you they will help you”

I got hired at a small lunch cafe as a server. I was thrown to the wolves after 2 hours of shadowing and got the “tea” from the hostess which is that the place is unorganized BUT everyone is so nice and helps everyone out. I got my first table and it was 12 people. They all ordered a lot of stuff and I needed assistance carrying the plates. There were 3 food runners and 4 servers including me. I asked someone for help and got told “can’t u see I’m in the middle of something” ….. they were polishing silverware… I asked another server and she goes “this is a high volume place u gotta learn to hold your own” I carry all the plates and I can’t lie I almost started crying because I am well aware I’m being singled out. I start noticing everyone is helping each…

I got hired at a small lunch cafe as a server. I was thrown to the wolves after 2 hours of shadowing and got the “tea” from the hostess which is that the place is unorganized BUT everyone is so nice and helps everyone out. I got my first table and it was 12 people. They all ordered a lot of stuff and I needed assistance carrying the plates. There were 3 food runners and 4 servers including me. I asked someone for help and got told “can’t u see I’m in the middle of something” ….. they were polishing silverware… I asked another server and she goes “this is a high volume place u gotta learn to hold your own” I carry all the plates and I can’t lie I almost started crying because I am well aware I’m being singled out. I start noticing everyone is helping each other with a smile and I’m doing everything 100% alone and if I need any type of help with something I just brush it under the rug. Manager asks me while closing out “so how was it” I explain to him that everyone ignored me and I was left alone to struggle and he goes “well everyone already has friendships with each other maybe if they got to know you then they will help you more” WHAT? That’s not how this works I shouldn’t have to form friendships that I don’t necessarily WANT just so my co workers can help me… ESPECIALLY the server assistances because I have to tip them out for running my food???? And they didn’t do it!!!!!! Fuck them. I’m not going back. They can suck my dick.

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