
maybe im a conspiracy Theorist but…

I've seen yalls posts about how no one wants to have kids because we can't afford it. Which yeah we can't. It sucks. So what if they decided to over turn Roe V Wade to combat that by forcing us to have kids we can't afford to keep the supply of labourers for the future? I really want another baby…. But… I don't want my children to be wage slaves to this system. This isn't a life. I have one child. He's the light of my life, but having another one…. Especially with this theory of why in my head, maybe it's better to get on some BC or do something g different.

I've seen yalls posts about how no one wants to have kids because we can't afford it. Which yeah we can't. It sucks.

So what if they decided to over turn Roe V Wade to combat that by forcing us to have kids we can't afford to keep the supply of labourers for the future?

I really want another baby…. But… I don't want my children to be wage slaves to this system. This isn't a life. I have one child. He's the light of my life, but having another one…. Especially with this theory of why in my head, maybe it's better to get on some BC or do something g different.

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