
Maybe you guys can help me? I’m on WC and wanna get another job.

I’m on workers comp from my main FT job, but wanna pick up a PT/FT somewhere else. My injury for the most part is (probably) okay. (Waiting on insurance to get me my doctors appointments. I can walk and move it, etc) I hurt my knee on heavy machinery and have been out since 1/30/22. I got a “light work” note from my FT and they can’t accommodate/ don’t have light duty stuff, so I get to stay home. This job I’m looking at would be able to meet my needs as I continue waiting for the insurance company to get me the doctors appointments I need, file paperwork and get it to the right destination, etc. Can I do this? Being they can actually meet my needs (sitting in a chair when necessary, etc.) I don’t see why not? It’s not like the not says I can’t work AT…

I’m on workers comp from my main FT job, but wanna pick up a PT/FT somewhere else. My injury for the most part is (probably) okay. (Waiting on insurance to get me my doctors appointments. I can walk and move it, etc)
I hurt my knee on heavy machinery and have been out since 1/30/22. I got a “light work” note from my FT and they can’t accommodate/ don’t have light duty stuff, so I get to stay home. This job I’m looking at would be able to meet my needs as I continue waiting for the insurance company to get me the doctors appointments I need, file paperwork and get it to the right destination, etc.
Can I do this? Being they can actually meet my needs (sitting in a chair when necessary, etc.) I don’t see why not? It’s not like the not says I can’t work AT ALL, right? (It doesn’t) thank you in advance for any advice!

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