
Meal prep company closes with no warning

Australian owned meal prep in the US California closes with no freaking warning. Company was on its 3rd year. It employed 35 people. The owners/corporate from Australia assured us that we were going to expand and everything was going well. Sure enough they stop paying their bills last month. We started seeing people come and checking out the building a few weeks ago. But still assured everyone everything was OK, “don't worry”they said” . Even up to last Friday they lied through their teeth. This Wednesday was announced that we're stopping all operation and it was everyone's last day. Vendors are hunting us for their money. Employees haven't got payed. Everyone is out of job. Horrible way to go. Everyone to the streets.

Australian owned meal prep in the US California closes with no freaking warning. Company was on its 3rd year. It employed 35 people. The owners/corporate from Australia assured us that we were going to expand and everything was going well. Sure enough they stop paying their bills last month. We started seeing people come and checking out the building a few weeks ago. But still assured everyone everything was OK, “don't worry”they said” . Even up to last Friday they lied through their teeth. This Wednesday was announced that we're stopping all operation and it was everyone's last day. Vendors are hunting us for their money. Employees haven't got payed. Everyone is out of job. Horrible way to go. Everyone to the streets.

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