
Medical Bills damage mental health

I have gone through the hospital twice in the past year. I have a good job and pay 524 a month for medical insurance, my company pays 1300 (supposedly). So for 1800 a month I have a 3500 dollar deductible, a 5000 dollar out-of-pocket max, and a 13500 family max. The first trip was a 2-day stay billed at 48,000 dollars; I ended up paying 8,000 because my deductible does not count for my out-of-pocket. Now I have a new bill for a recent stay, within a year but not in the insurance year, and am looking at the same amount. Over 20k in medical premiums and I get sick every time I go to the mail. I dread going to the doctor, I refused an ambulance ride. This is sick and wrong; I pay to have my mental well-being destroyed which affects my physical well-being. I am not terminally…

I have gone through the hospital twice in the past year. I have a good job and pay 524 a month for medical insurance, my company pays 1300 (supposedly). So for 1800 a month I have a 3500 dollar deductible, a 5000 dollar out-of-pocket max, and a 13500 family max. The first trip was a 2-day stay billed at 48,000 dollars; I ended up paying 8,000 because my deductible does not count for my out-of-pocket. Now I have a new bill for a recent stay, within a year but not in the insurance year, and am looking at the same amount. Over 20k in medical premiums and I get sick every time I go to the mail. I dread going to the doctor, I refused an ambulance ride. This is sick and wrong; I pay to have my mental well-being destroyed which affects my physical well-being. I am not terminally ill or have conditions. These were just two crappy instances and I thought I had done everything right and “the way you should do it.” Am I not suicidal or anything but when staring at the mounting pile of bills I can't pay, you can't help but think it'd be easier if I weren't here anymore. How is this system allowed to continue? Having your health tied to your employer is wrong enough; not having it even serve its purpose after paying so much is a crime.

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