
Meeting with my manager today

Here we go! I have a meeting later with my supervisor. She does this right in the office in front of others. I know she'll find some way of making it seem like I'm not performing up to standard. The majority of the issues I have stem from a lack of communication from her. Like I need certain information to complete task and she simply never gives it to me. She horrible, everyone thinks she's unapproachable, yet I have to speak to her to get anything done. The first week on the job she told me “I don't like to talk to people.” That's what I am dealing with. She's also grossly unqualified for the job. She's an IT manager and she has no idea what a hypervisor is and doesn't know the difference between RAM and disk space. The truth is that she has poorly managed the IT department,…

Here we go!

I have a meeting later with my supervisor. She does this right in the office in front of others. I know she'll find some way of making it seem like I'm not performing up to standard. The majority of the issues I have stem from a lack of communication from her. Like I need certain information to complete task and she simply never gives it to me. She horrible, everyone thinks she's unapproachable, yet I have to speak to her to get anything done. The first week on the job she told me “I don't like to talk to people.” That's what I am dealing with. She's also grossly unqualified for the job. She's an IT manager and she has no idea what a hypervisor is and doesn't know the difference between RAM and disk space. The truth is that she has poorly managed the IT department, all the IT pros before me left. I'm here as a newbie really. First job in the industry so it pretty much comes with the territory that I don't have a lot of experience. I do have a 4 year degree and experience in other fields. One constant theme with this lady is that she always scapegoats someone else, never takes ownership of an issue. I once took ownership of an issue that was my fault and she seemed to think that was something I shouldn't have done. She will blame other companies for failing to deliver when the reality is that her network, the IT departments. Is so screwed that it is very difficult for a vendor to deliver. She's purchased the wrong licensing for products then blames the vendor. It's difficult to exactly explain without talking too much shop, but she has no accountability and wants to hold everyone else accountable. Any time I ask a question or offer input. I get a condescending response and/or attitude. The truth is the company needs an experienced Systems admin who could fix this outdated system. I'm not that person as for one it's not actually my job, I don't get paid enough, I'm learning but even at that this lady won't even allow me to apply the knowledge I do have to help her. I do have formal training and a 4 year degree in my field, just not much experience yet. I'm in my final two weeks. No I have not and will not tell them I am leaving. So I've not much to lose as I have a new job and am leaving anyways.

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