I can’t afford therapy that works for me right now and I lost my sister to a very traumatic death while I was working on a business trip out of state.
Right before she passed away, I got promoted to a higher level position where I agreed to take on an account that has a lot of demands. It’s an unusual customer that we negotiated shit terms and conditions on a long term agreement and now whoever has the account is typically miserable.
Now I’ve worked tirelessly to clean up this account while keeping up with the customer’s demands and I feel like can’t handle it anymore. I have about 3-4 small mental breakdowns throughout the week (luckily WFH) and I sense that I’m on the brink of huge mental breakdown. I feel like I can’t do anything beneficial to heal while I have work constantly hanging over my head. I would have never agreed to this if I were of asked to take on this account after my sister passed away. On top of everything, I keep making stupid minor mistakes that I believe are ultimately sabotaging my reputation. I feel so stuck and wish mental health wasn’t such a foreign thing in America.