
Message I just sent my boss

Jordon, I’m not returning to work. I applied for and interviewed for a full time bartender position (which is was the indeed application stated). You started training me as a server WITHOUT ASKING ME, therefore you deliberately lied to me and tricked me into a job position I did not even apply for. You act like I need to earn my right behind the bar, and that is really unprofessional and petty. I have over 11 years experience as a bartender in fine dining and in icehouses alike. I feel highly disrespected by you and your politics. Then you give me three shifts this next week, one of which is not even during my availability which shows how much you respect my availability OR EVEN LOOKED AT IT, and it’s not even full time. I told you in the interview I cannot accept anything less than full time. I have…

Jordon, I’m not returning to work. I applied for and interviewed for a full time bartender position (which is was the indeed application stated). You started training me as a server WITHOUT ASKING ME, therefore you deliberately lied to me and tricked me into a job position I did not even apply for. You act like I need to earn my right behind the bar, and that is really unprofessional and petty. I have over 11 years experience as a bartender in fine dining and in icehouses alike. I feel highly disrespected by you and your politics. Then you give me three shifts this next week, one of which is not even during my availability which shows how much you respect my availability OR EVEN LOOKED AT IT, and it’s not even full time. I told you in the interview I cannot accept anything less than full time. I have done this kind of work for so long, and have been in this industry for over 15 years. I don’t have to put up with corrupt management anymore. I’m not some dumb high schooler who has no idea about things. I have two college degrees, and have worked in the corporate world as well as in this industry and also as a manager. I’ve put up working in this environment for about two weeks now, and I am not challenged enough and have been disrespected by you since day one. You even insulted me in our interview. Point is, I’m not returning. I’m not an idiot or someone to be used. Thank you but no thank you. Also, everyone wishes Fred was the GM and not you. He’s been there 9 years, and is way more respectful. No one respects you or listens to you because you don’t listen to them or respect them.

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