
Met with the head of HR today

So, without naming names, i work at a relatively small bank with only a couple dozen locations. The head of HR came to our branches today on account of us losing 5 of our 13 employees. I want to make it clear, we lost them due to pay, and when questioned about potentially matching pay with other banks in the area i was given this gem; “It is not the company's job to pull you out of financial hardship. We do however plan on evaluating our minimum wage some time next year.” I can't stress enough how much I'm now looking for another job.

So, without naming names, i work at a relatively small bank with only a couple dozen locations. The head of HR came to our branches today on account of us losing 5 of our 13 employees.

I want to make it clear, we lost them due to pay, and when questioned about potentially matching pay with other banks in the area i was given this gem;

“It is not the company's job to pull you out of financial hardship. We do however plan on evaluating our minimum wage some time next year.”

I can't stress enough how much I'm now looking for another job.

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