
Micromanaging me to a breakdown

I worked for a corporate compliance company for 25 years, made a mistake, lost a client and got fired. The Company owner that fired me shortly there after contracted pancreatic cancer and died. His company is struggling along but probably won’t make it. I was out of work for two years then one of my former coworkers Formed his own small company doing corporate compliance as well. He asked me to come aboard and train in their systems under his sister who was the operations manager. Both of us (me and OM) work remotely in different time zones and this is not going well. My former coworker who I consider my boss has assigned me 12 hours a week to begin. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 10 to 2 PST. His sister, the operations manager expects me to answer emails on weekends and on days that I am not assigned…

I worked for a corporate compliance company for 25 years, made a mistake, lost a client and got fired. The Company owner that fired me shortly there after contracted pancreatic cancer and died. His company is struggling along but probably won’t make it. I was out of work for two years then one of my former coworkers Formed his own small company doing corporate compliance as well.
He asked me to come aboard and train in their systems under his sister who was the operations manager. Both of us (me and OM) work remotely in different time zones and this is not going well.

My former coworker who I consider my boss has assigned me 12 hours a week to begin. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 10 to 2 PST. His sister, the operations manager expects me to answer emails on weekends and on days that I am not assigned to work. I have been working hours outside of my assigned days and times because of her demands and her micromanaging. The latest thing that makes me want to scream: a client sent me an email on Saturday which I fully intended to respond to on my next assigned working day. However, sister OM made it a point to reiterate via email (today, SUNDAY) that I needed to answer this client ASAP.
I have been livid all weekend and it’s taking everything I have to not respond in a way that might get me canned from this assignment.

Can anyone help me navigate this? It’s such a touchy situation because my boss is my friend and his sister is my supervisor. What have I gotten myself into? I want to help him grow his company but I really can’t take her management style. I should also note that I have been having a really shitty time finding a job as I’ve been doing this type of work for so long my skills are very narrow. Also I’m disabled and it’s hard for me to work somewhere that does not use remote options

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