
Might be fired due to management lying about what I ‘promised in an interview’. Looking for advise

I’m sorry if this is a bit incoherent but I’ll try to type this as well as i can and as comprehensive as I can. I recently got hired at a supermarket chain in the uk, just over 2 months ago. During my interview I was asked what my flexibility was and when I would be able to work and how much overtime I would be able to take. I explained that I was fairly busy doing things outside work in the afternoon / evening but would happily work early starts until around 3-4ish on weekdays and weekends and that I would like 1 weekend day off to spend time with my girlfriend as she worked in a school and it would be our only days we would be able to properly do anything together. He said this was fine. He asked how much I wanted to work per week…

I’m sorry if this is a bit incoherent but I’ll try to type this as well as i can and as comprehensive as I can.

I recently got hired at a supermarket chain in the uk, just over 2 months ago. During my interview I was asked what my flexibility was and when I would be able to work and how much overtime I would be able to take. I explained that I was fairly busy doing things outside work in the afternoon / evening but would happily work early starts until around 3-4ish on weekdays and weekends and that I would like 1 weekend day off to spend time with my girlfriend as she worked in a school and it would be our only days we would be able to properly do anything together. He said this was fine.

He asked how much I wanted to work per week including overtime and I said I wanted to work around 20-30 hours a week as that would fit my lifestyle the best (this was also a part time position) and he said that was fine. I got the job in the interview and started shortly after.

I got little training but had worked retail for over 2 years at this point so I knew what I was doing roughly. I got my permanent hours after about a week and had a late Monday and Saturday totalling 9 hours a week. I got a bit pissy at the manager about this but he explained that this was the only available shift patten at the time and I would potentially be able to change later on so I kept my mouth shut about it. I took as much overtime as I felt like normally totalling to around 20-25 hours a week depending on what was available.

I would periodically be asked if I wanted to go supervised or have more permanent hours and I always said yes but it was a very slow process.

After 2 months I got asked about shifts again and offered a Sunday all day and I explained that I didn’t want to work both weekend days and that I had explained in the interview why but that I would work the full day Sunday if I could get my Saturday shift moved to another day. The manager agreed that he would look into it and we left it at that.

Now last Saturday after a very busy day I was pulled into ather office by a supervisor about my lack of flexibility on shifts and breaking what I had promised in the interview, which was apparently I would work any day of the week and do 40 hours per week. I explained that that wasn’t what I said in the interview and even if it was there wasn’t enough overtime to do 40 hours a week on my contracted hours. I essentially got told if I didn’t take more hours I would be fired so I left and applied to do a couple more days over the next few weeks just to show I did still want the job even tho it massive inconvenienced me.

I’ve looked today at my future shifts and see they just randomly stopped my shifts midweek in 2 weeks . I’ve spoke to my friend who is a supervisor at a different store and he said I may have been fired. Talking to them today about it today but looking for advice .

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