
might be going on a solo strike at work.

I work for a 7-eleven in small town Texas. It's the only store within 20 miles that is open 24 hours a day and it is not franchised out. This week, corporate has decided it's necessary to cut hours to save money, while our front door has been stuck open for 4+ months, our air conditioning has been barely working for a month (it flat out was NOT working at all for 2 months prior) in 100+ degree weather, and it took the health inspector getting called to shut down open food displays because of the door being stuck open. They have decided to put a cap on total store hours, which is going to drop all of our employees who are all full time, and all but 2 rely on this as their only source of income. Everyones hours will effectively be cut in half, some a little more…

I work for a 7-eleven in small town Texas. It's the only store within 20 miles that is open 24 hours a day and it is not franchised out. This week, corporate has decided it's necessary to cut hours to save money, while our front door has been stuck open for 4+ months, our air conditioning has been barely working for a month (it flat out was NOT working at all for 2 months prior) in 100+ degree weather, and it took the health inspector getting called to shut down open food displays because of the door being stuck open.

They have decided to put a cap on total store hours, which is going to drop all of our employees who are all full time, and all but 2 rely on this as their only source of income. Everyones hours will effectively be cut in half, some a little more and some a little less. It's not going to be sustainable.

My response to this is going to be (aside from looking for another income source) to comply maliciously. I will show up on my now reduced schedule, but being as I'm overnight and often the only person in the store for those hours, I fully intend to clock in, post a sign out front, lock the doors, and sit outside the building until it's time for shift change. It's been talked about by most employees and even the manager to do some sort of strike, but I honestly believe I'm the only one with enough balls to actually do it so this very well may be a solo strike.

Wish me luck, offer some advice, do whatever it is that reddit does idk. I'm just posting the bullshit I'm dealing with atm.

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