
Might get fired for wearing earpod considered a safety hazard

Ok, I work as a float at commercial printing factory in wisconsin. Been working there since last August, in all honesty it wasn't a bad job, just boring as can be. Lot of the work has me doing the same stuff for hours on end, and the mindless work causes me anxiety over time. So I wear one of my earpods to listen to audio books to make the time more bearable. Note that the company doesn't allow them on the floor for safety reasons. Mainly that if I have it in I won't hear emergencies over the pa system or if someone next to me is trying to get my attention. When I told my manager on the 2 occasions they talked to me about it I've told them that I use it for my anxiety, was told I should get one of those stress squeeze things the first…

Ok, I work as a float at commercial printing factory in wisconsin. Been working there since last August, in all honesty it wasn't a bad job, just boring as can be. Lot of the work has me doing the same stuff for hours on end, and the mindless work causes me anxiety over time. So I wear one of my earpods to listen to audio books to make the time more bearable.

Note that the company doesn't allow them on the floor for safety reasons. Mainly that if I have it in I won't hear emergencies over the pa system or if someone next to me is trying to get my attention. When I told my manager on the 2 occasions they talked to me about it I've told them that I use it for my anxiety, was told I should get one of those stress squeeze things the first time, and the second time to wear ear plugs. Like wtf I wear a single earpod in hardly have the volume up can hear good enough if people need to call me. But the pa sounds like the parents from the peanuts. Then they tell me to use something that interferes with my work, and the other cause me to be able to hear less than when using the earpod.

I don't mind the job, and I do my part I work hard but even with my mental problems they don't care they don't want to budge. So I guess fingers cross I don't get fired.

Sorry if it's a little rant I just wanted to put this out here to get peoples opinions on it and to get it off my chest since I'm not the kind of person to spill my guts out very much.

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