
Might get fired tomorrow

A bit long but only to add context, I’ve been working at a Distribution Center and have just lost all motivation for this job. I unpack product, sort it and then put it into a larger box then push it down a conveyor belt. I’m not a perfect employee but I’m far from a bad employee. This all started about two weeks ago I noticed a black hole in my tooth so the next day I called all the nearest dentist while at work. I can put my headphones in at work so I multitask it, when I finally found the one I liked I set up the appointment and had to stop moving because it’s loud in the warehouse and had to reduce the noise level so they could hear me, however that’s when my manager came up to me and just stood there while I was giving my…

A bit long but only to add context, I’ve been working at a Distribution Center and have just lost all motivation for this job. I unpack product, sort it and then put it into a larger box then push it down a conveyor belt.

I’m not a perfect employee but I’m far from a bad employee.

This all started about two weeks ago I noticed a black hole in my tooth so the next day I called all the nearest dentist while at work. I can put my headphones in at work so I multitask it, when I finally found the one I liked I set up the appointment and had to stop moving because it’s loud in the warehouse and had to reduce the noise level so they could hear me, however that’s when my manager came up to me and just stood there while I was giving my information to set up the appointment, I apologized to him and admitted I probably should’ve have come up to him and gave him a heads up about the all and then he let me out front and set it up.

I thought this was all good, I agreed I did things wrong and he let it go and only asked I tried harder today to make up for it and I agreed.

Two days later he asks me to go to go unload a trailer and I always go, however this time I said “No” because for about two weeks I’ve been working heavy lines of my current section of work. He asked why and I say my back has been killing me (I have a slight curve in my spine and after a while heavy lifting becomes painful) and unloading a trailer will only make it worse, I also said that if I had been put on a lighter line I would happily go over and help but just couldn’t this time. He told me ok and this time he’ll allow it, and I thought that was it.

The very next day he pulls me aside and ask me to follow him, we end up in a dim room with the shift supervisor and him, and they express that my performance has been inconsistent and that my bathroom breaks are becoming a habit and too long, and also said that me saying could be considered insubordination.

I defend myself and say the exact same thing I told my manager to the supervisor about my back. My performance depends on the lines if it’s a heavy line I keep a steady pace so I’m not to burnt out by the end of the day, and I speed up on lighter lines. As for my bathroom trips I do spend longer then I would like however since I’ve been hired I’ve been gradually taking Less and shorter bathrooms breaks. They don’t really listen and they say performance must be consistent at all times.

They gave me a warning and said this meant nothing as long as I didn’t get another one, they gave me a paper to sign and said the same thing and I refused to sign anything and got back to work.
That was 2 weeks ago.

Last week the manager was gone for an unknown reason and I had been sent to a light section the whole week. All is good, I’m even happy working.

This week he comes back and since Monday I’ve seen my manager watch me work and has even timed my bathroom breaks. Today My co worker and I finished the line 30 mins before the shift ended. I grabbed an empty box and sat down waiting for the assistant manager to send me to another line like they usually do but this time they didn’t, 10 mins pass and I see he had been standing behind me and ask “Whatcha doing bud” in a sarcastic tone and my blood boils since I know he’s been watching me all week and I just tell him “line is empty/done I’ve processed all the boxes I can and there’s nothing for me to do”. My partner still has like 6 boxes left to process but that’s not my problem because I had already done my part. He doesn’t like my response and told me I shouldn’t sit down and that I should find more work to do and to help my partner and get her more boxes so she can process(she practically done at this point).

He storms off, I get back up and get more boxes, I’m 99% sure I’ll have nice little meeting in the morning but we’ll see. I’ve seen many other coworkers do absolutely nothing with FULL lines and nothing has been said to them, if they pull me aside again I’m throwing them all under the bus.

I’ve also updated my resume and started applying to different jobs, meeting or not I’m leaving as soon as possible.

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