
Might lose my new job because I have fuck all to do and fell asleep

A little bit of background. Most of my work experience is in customer service/data entry. However for the past three years approximately I have been working in environmental services at a hospital in Pittsburgh. As you can imagine cleaning up bodily fluids during an active pandemic gets to you after awhile so of course I jumped at the chance to transfer to a cushy office job with better pay doing scheduling for post-op patients. I would also be going from second shift to a morning shift. Not thriller but there were a lot of conveniences for me getting out of work earlier. I counted down the days and was excited to start training. Come day one they have nothing for me, the person I’m supposed to be working with isn’t there so I’m sitting in with someone who normally doesn’t do the job and doesn’t know how to show me…

A little bit of background. Most of my work experience is in customer service/data entry. However for the past three years approximately I have been working in environmental services at a hospital in Pittsburgh. As you can imagine cleaning up bodily fluids during an active pandemic gets to you after awhile so of course I jumped at the chance to transfer to a cushy office job with better pay doing scheduling for post-op patients. I would also be going from second shift to a morning shift. Not thriller but there were a lot of conveniences for me getting out of work earlier.

I counted down the days and was excited to start training. Come day one they have nothing for me, the person I’m supposed to be working with isn’t there so I’m sitting in with someone who normally doesn’t do the job and doesn’t know how to show me the ropes. I don’t even have access to the systems I need to do the job yet. I have been stuck in a small, windowless office with poor ventilation for the past five days. I’m not surprised I wound falling asleep in chair staring at nothing.

I’m not saying I’m not to blame here but they could have pushed my start date back until they were ready to train me or tried to find something for me to do. I’m trying to see about going back to evs but I’m pretty sure I’m screwed. And all because my new employers were totally unprepared for me even when they knew a month ahead of time when I would be starting.

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