
Might not get COVID pay for taking care of my daughter

Situation. Daughter gets COVID while at dads house, I pick her up on Sunday (the day she tested positive) and let my work know I’ll be out for the week because of it, no big deal. I also ask about COVID pay. They say they don’t have any. I send them a screen shot of the poster that supposed to be “posted for all to see” about state COVID which is a supplemental sick leave for COVID. I get referred to someone else. To help me with that. That person forwards my email to the actual correct person who deals with that kind of thing in payroll. Payroll finally reaches out on Friday at 4:45 literally minutes after our whole house (including daughter) tested negative and all clear to go back to work/in public. She was asking for my proof of COVID. My daughter had taken an at home test…

Situation. Daughter gets COVID while at dads house, I pick her up on Sunday (the day she tested positive) and let my work know I’ll be out for the week because of it, no big deal.

I also ask about COVID pay. They say they don’t have any. I send them a screen shot of the poster that supposed to be “posted for all to see” about state COVID which is a supplemental sick leave for COVID.

I get referred to someone else. To help me with that. That person forwards my email to the actual correct person who deals with that kind of thing in payroll. Payroll finally reaches out on Friday at 4:45 literally minutes after our whole house (including daughter) tested negative and all clear to go back to work/in public.

She was asking for my proof of COVID. My daughter had taken an at home test at her dads and I didn’t know I needed more than that. She said they want a test from somewhere that has a result with her name and date etc. makes sense to me but it’s too late! So now I may not get paid for the whole week.

Is this my works fault? I had no idea I needed proof, they didn’t give me any instruction or tell me what they needed until 6 days after I told them she had it and I wouldn’t be able to go to work. HELP!

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