
Miserable asshole of an ex-boss got named “40 under 40” in the local paper.

This self-described “girl boss” was, hands down, one of the worst managers I've ever had. Obnoxiously ambitious? Check. Non-technical person in a technical leadership role? Check. Caviling, pedantic, and generally incompetent? Check all three. Blatant favoritism? Check. She has “CIO in training” on her twitter and linkedin handle. Whenever someone challenged her in a way that she couldn't deal with, she would say “Well that's not what they taught me in my MBA program at “. Her opinion of you could literally change over a couple weeks. She went from “you're doing an awesome job” to “we want you off the team” in two weeks flat, never provided any feedback. This was on a team where, for a new member who was fresh out of college, it was considered acceptable to only have a question and answer period for 15 minutes at the start of the day. I was not…

This self-described “girl boss” was, hands down, one of the worst managers I've ever had.

Obnoxiously ambitious? Check.

Non-technical person in a technical leadership role? Check.

Caviling, pedantic, and generally incompetent? Check all three.

Blatant favoritism? Check.

She has “CIO in training” on her twitter and linkedin handle.

Whenever someone challenged her in a way that she couldn't deal with, she would say “Well that's not what they taught me in my MBA program at “.

Her opinion of you could literally change over a couple weeks. She went from “you're doing an awesome job” to “we want you off the team” in two weeks flat, never provided any feedback. This was on a team where, for a new member who was fresh out of college, it was considered acceptable to only have a question and answer period for 15 minutes at the start of the day. I was not allowed to “bother” people with questions outside of that.

I would bet a very large amount of money she nominated herself for that bullshit award. Fuck the system.

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