
Missing paystubs

So I was employed at a small business for nine months, from November to July and I have 6 months of no paystub information, and the 3 months I do have information on is only through the website they used to pay us after the first two months. My coworker is also dealing with the same issue. 5 months of absolutely no paystub information, and very little on the rest. They also told us when we told them we needed our paystubs that they couldn't access them. Which makes absolutely no sense, and that for the first two months we were employed that they weren't taking taxes out and were paying us under the table. I've tried to contact the company they went through to get more paystub information and if was a dead end, saying I need to talk to my former employer. I just don't know what to…

So I was employed at a small business for nine months, from November to July and I have 6 months of no paystub information, and the 3 months I do have information on is only through the website they used to pay us after the first two months. My coworker is also dealing with the same issue. 5 months of absolutely no paystub information, and very little on the rest. They also told us when we told them we needed our paystubs that they couldn't access them. Which makes absolutely no sense, and that for the first two months we were employed that they weren't taking taxes out and were paying us under the table.

I've tried to contact the company they went through to get more paystub information and if was a dead end, saying I need to talk to my former employer. I just don't know what to do, I'm planning on calling the owner(my ex boss) and telling him that if they don't provide us the information they're legally required to provide, that department of workforce services and a lawsuit are the next steps. This isn't even the first fucked up thing they've pulled, not to mention my coworker has missing pay compared to hours worked.

I was also only making 10 dollars an hour, no benefits, no raises in my 9 months of employment, but they kept promising raises, benefits, etc. Whilst asking me to do skilled labour with no extra pay raise, and wouldn't discuss wages with me and my coworker when the lack of wage transparency is a pretty big red flag.

It's turning into a whole mess and any advice or information would be greatly appreciated, I just don't know what to do.

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