
Mission statements are a complete joke.

Any company that promises “premier quality” services, yet refuses to pay premier quality wages does NOT deserve to be in business. The company that I personally work for requires many of its employees to learn the mission statement, and I’m so fed up with how many times I directly watch upper management and executives totally ignore aspects of it for the sake of profit. Greed. Random manager: “Hey, so this, that, and the other isn’t getting done” Me: “Oh, maybe I can squeeze in a little bit more work to get more done then.” Meanwhile, my sub-department is allocated 72 hours of labor a week to get the job done by corporate’s standards, and the managers schedule me to do it all by myself (40 hours). How can these people not see that you can’t get 72 hours worth of work done in nearly half the time? I’m sure many…

Any company that promises “premier quality” services, yet refuses to pay premier quality wages does NOT deserve to be in business. The company that I personally work for requires many of its employees to learn the mission statement, and I’m so fed up with how many times I directly watch upper management and executives totally ignore aspects of it for the sake of profit. Greed.

Random manager: “Hey, so this, that, and the other isn’t getting done”
Me: “Oh, maybe I can squeeze in a little bit more work to get more done then.”

Meanwhile, my sub-department is allocated 72 hours of labor a week to get the job done by corporate’s standards, and the managers schedule me to do it all by myself (40 hours). How can these people not see that you can’t get 72 hours worth of work done in nearly half the time? I’m sure many of you have experienced this at your jobs in the past or currently. Just a little rant of mine, frankly.

I constantly bring up the fact that there’s not enough labor being scheduled over there, but it’s almost like they can’t understand what I’m saying. They simply cannot contemplate or somewhat fathom that they’re putting too much work on one person. I’m constantly being told that I work the hardest of anyone in this whole building, yet also hear many complaints about little things that aren’t perfect. What do they expect from me? Jesus.

I love the grand excuse of, “Well back when I was in your position I just had to figure it out”
Okay? Just because you were okay with being exploited doesn’t mean that I’m fine with it for myself.

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