
Monkey see monkey do

This is about experience with a union company but I'm sure it applies to a lot of businesses.An interesting thing I've found out about our work groups is that a company with multiple locations can have employees in one place who are chill and don't sweat what others do or don't do and then at another location you'll see workers all pissy about the next guys lackluster performance. This comes from how they are taught and trained. But in a union shop it comes down to whether or not stewards are willing to make sure everyone mind their own business. If others do not make it clear from the jump that trying to dictate what others do is the role of management you get this because it is engrained in society that it has to be morally correct and not fair if I'm having to do more than the next…

This is about experience with a union company but I'm sure it applies to a lot of businesses.An interesting thing I've found out about our work groups is that a company with multiple locations can have employees
in one place who are chill and don't sweat what others do or don't do and then at another location you'll see workers all pissy about the next guys lackluster performance. This comes from how they are taught and trained. But in a union shop it comes down to whether or not stewards are willing to make sure everyone mind their own business. If others do not make it clear from the jump that trying to dictate what others do is the role of management you get this because it is engrained in society that it has to be morally correct and not fair if I'm having to do more than the next guy.
Any good Union steward will tell you don't worry about what other people are doing if there's an issue management will contend with that yet he may prod the worker to try to do more which is fine. It's very easy to get drawn into an argument when a busy body comes up to you complaining you're not doing your share or this or that. But it is important to remember that they only know what they know and it's not their fault they were trained that way. My stepmom used to come home complaining and in a bad mood about how she was handling so many more customers than these other ladies at the DMV. At the time I was a high schooler with no Union experience but even then my thought was why do you care what the other ladies are producing. You Do You.

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