
more of a question

every single time i’m out from work, be it a medical visit, a funeral, a car repair, i’m required to bring some kind of proof ie a note to my manager, or i’ll have my hours cut, be given menial tasks i’m not usually required to do unless i’ve “misbehaved” i just want to know if i’m being overly sensitive to this. all three examples given are things i’ve had to leave work for, the funeral where i was supposed to gather proof that my uncle had died was too much for me i didn’t think it was reasonable, so i brought nothing. after that my hours were exactly a third of what i’m usually given, resulting in them being understaffed and my coworkers having to suffer because my boss was punishing me. i just don’t know it seems so shitty. i’ve never lied to get out of work, i’ve…

every single time i’m out from work, be it a medical visit, a funeral, a car repair, i’m required to bring some kind of proof ie a note to my manager, or i’ll have my hours cut, be given menial tasks i’m not usually required to do unless i’ve “misbehaved” i just want to know if i’m being overly sensitive to this. all three examples given are things i’ve had to leave work for, the funeral where i was supposed to gather proof that my uncle had died was too much for me i didn’t think it was reasonable, so i brought nothing. after that my hours were exactly a third of what i’m usually given, resulting in them being understaffed and my coworkers having to suffer because my boss was punishing me. i just don’t know it seems so shitty. i’ve never lied to get out of work, i’ve never given them the idea that i would. i’ve sent covid tests, brought doctors notes, mechanics receipts, and it’s every single time that one is absent from work. my family tells me that it’s not normal, but they’re the type to side with eachother over anyone else in the world, which i’m grateful for of course, but i thought you guys might give me some further insight on this. i’m still pretty young, i’ve had a good couple of jobs so far but none have displayed this level of mistrust in their employees.

on top of that, said manager will leave us notes saying to “be on our best behavior” when she’s not in, just gives teacher vibes, which sucks since we’re all grown ass adults and she’s one of the youngest in the building at any given time. it feels like she’s sipping a tall glass of power trip.

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