
Most of the problems people on this sub have are nearly non existant to me in germany, and its making me sad

From what i have grasped on this sub, american work culture consists of exploiting the lower class massively. In germany there is a state department called hartz4 which pays people who are unable to find work or disabled, there are a lot of people needing it and some people exploit it to not have to work. If an employer calls an employe off shift the employe has the right to not awnser, and if the the boss fires them for it the former employe can sue the boss for it. Overall workers rights seem to be nearly non existant, having nearly 2.3 million people out of 300 in forced unpaid labour sounds like slavery to me (prisons). I highly advise anyone to move out of he states, if possible. I think canada is the best alternative if you cant afford europe. I also heard that american citizens have to continue…

From what i have grasped on this sub, american work culture consists of exploiting the lower class massively. In germany there is a state department called hartz4 which pays people who are unable to find work or disabled, there are a lot of people needing it and some people exploit it to not have to work. If an employer calls an employe off shift the employe has the right to not awnser, and if the the boss fires them for it the former employe can sue the boss for it. Overall workers rights seem to be nearly non existant, having nearly 2.3 million people out of 300 in forced unpaid labour sounds like slavery to me (prisons). I highly advise anyone to move out of he states, if possible. I think canada is the best alternative if you cant afford europe. I also heard that american citizens have to continue to pay taxes to the states when they work and live abroad. Im curios if there is a way to get rid of that because its basically forcing the lower class to stay. Excuse my terrible english

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