
Most people going to work today are propping up a company or business and that won’t be around. Study history…

Seriously the company you slave for is just a dream or idea of the owner that will fizzle. If you are older type in the businesses that you may have once worked that disappeared. My mom worked 5.5 days running an office for some contractors… over the decades they cheated on their wives, sold the business and retired. Companies my Dad worked for folded up. The point is quit stressing about your job. GET ALL THE BENEFITS YOU CAN. Call in sick… Demand Raises… They are going bankrupt or closing down anyway.

Seriously the company you slave for is just a dream or idea of the owner that will fizzle.

If you are older type in the businesses that you may have once worked that disappeared.

My mom worked 5.5 days running an office for some contractors… over the decades they cheated on their wives, sold the business and retired.

Companies my Dad worked for folded up.

The point is quit stressing about your job.

GET ALL THE BENEFITS YOU CAN. Call in sick… Demand Raises…

They are going bankrupt or closing down anyway.

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