
Most unions are pretty lame. But /AntiWork could scare the shit out of big business by supporting a radical one

Corporations fear nothing more than a truly radical trade union. So let’s give collective, prolonged support to radical unions! They are typically small and in need of publicity. We can give them global recognition and boost them dramatically. After drawing up an initial list of candidates, AntiWork would vote for ONE radical trade union based in a major English-speaking city. A union which we believe is best-placed to quickly expand its radical organising and campaigning. A union with a strong track record of fearlessly and uncompromisingly taking the fight to big employers with strike action as a permanent threat – and winning. Our chosen trade union would then be actively backed by AntiWork mods (with the help of a union staff member) for at least 30 days. A sticky post would provide info and links. The other sticky might link to a recent union news story. Union staff would do…

Corporations fear nothing more than a truly radical trade union.

So let’s give collective, prolonged support to radical unions! They are typically small and in need of publicity. We can give them global recognition and boost them dramatically.

After drawing up an initial list of candidates, AntiWork would vote for ONE radical trade union based in a major English-speaking city. A union which we believe is best-placed to quickly expand its radical organising and campaigning.

A union with a strong track record of fearlessly and uncompromisingly taking the fight to big employers with strike action as a permanent threat – and winning.

Our chosen trade union would then be actively backed by AntiWork mods (with the help of a union staff member) for at least 30 days. A sticky post would provide info and links. The other sticky might link to a recent union news story. Union staff would do AMAs about specific campaigns. The relevant city subreddit would be used to cross-promote union activities there.

It would be a perfect opportunity to flex the real-world power of this subreddit. Mods would then decide whether to hold another vote to support a different radical union, or perhaps support an increasing number of unions in separate regions.

What might a perfect candidate look like?

  • Founded in 2017 or earlier, in a major English-speaking city

  • Diverse membership of over 3,000

  • High % of migrant and/or low-paid members in precarious work

  • Victories over global brands and major employers

  • Strike action a key feature of previous campaigns

  • Empowerment and education central to union activity

  • Stable leadership and experienced staff

  • Marketable brand with strong social media presence

  • Headquarters with event space and room to expand

Does a union like this even exist?

Here is one example in London, UK:

The Guardian published this 21-min documentary on UVW’s campaign with 100+ cleaners at St. Mary’s NHS Hospital:

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