
Move to Texas!

The Republican Party is using Roe v. Wade as a tool to keep red states red. The most significant election trend occurring in America today is it's urban/rural divide. As a result, suburbia has become the battleground of “moderate” politics. In addition, educated white women are one of the strongest Democratic voting blocks. Republicans WANT women (and liberals) to leave their states for blue ones. They understand fully that their political views aren't held by the majority of America. It's precisely why they've become so reliant on voter suppression, using gerrymandering and voter ID laws. For political parties, what matters is how many states you control, not your party's popularity with the public. To Republicans, the only thing that matters is the disruption, and privatization of more and more federal services. They need women and liberals gone from red states in order to retain power at the federal level through…

The Republican Party is using Roe v. Wade as a tool to keep red states red. The most significant election trend occurring in America today is it's urban/rural divide. As a result, suburbia has become the battleground of “moderate” politics. In addition, educated white women are one of the strongest Democratic voting blocks.

Republicans WANT women (and liberals) to leave their states for blue ones. They understand fully that their political views aren't held by the majority of America. It's precisely why they've become so reliant on voter suppression, using gerrymandering and voter ID laws.

For political parties, what matters is how many states you control, not your party's popularity with the public. To Republicans, the only thing that matters is the disruption, and privatization of more and more federal services. They need women and liberals gone from red states in order to retain power at the federal level through the occasional electoral college induced victory, or through the holding the senate.

They're especially concerned with the increasing Democratic voting trends in Texas. If Texas is lost, it'll become virtually impossible to reach 270 electoral votes, thus preventing their control over the WH. This, in turn, could mean no more conservative Supreme Court nominations, no more reversing Democratic executive orders, etc.

It may not feel like it, but Roe V. Wade being reversed is a massive tell. The Republican party has been using reversing Roe as a rallying cry for decades. Their party does everything in lockstep and this won't end up any different. They reversed Roe because they know just threatening reversal isn't enough anymore. Their voters want them to act against a perceived liberal threat. Of course they brought up ending gay marriage, access to contraceptives, etc. It's all part of their plan to scare liberals away so they can keep winning elections, destroying the planet, and exploiting working poor in this country.

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