
My 63yo husband is being kicked out of his job

He's been working at a learning company for 10 years. 4 promotions.. he is now Vice-president of products. No disciplinary actions ever taken. The last 2 years have been awful. A new CEO came in and has systematically gotten rid of all the old thinkers and replaced with new folk. My husband is the only one left. For the past 2 years they have taken away his entire team… and isolated him. He has not been invited to any strategic planning meetings .. nothing. Lastly they put him on an informal PiP and took his last employee he had away from him. He went to HR.. told them he wants to continue to work for them, but clearly knows what they are doing. He said he would gladly work with them to transition a new team and then leave or he would leave with a compensation package that is satisfactory…

He's been working at a learning company for 10 years. 4 promotions.. he is now Vice-president of products. No disciplinary actions ever taken. The last 2 years have been awful. A new CEO came in and has systematically gotten rid of all the old thinkers and replaced with new folk. My husband is the only one left. For the past 2 years they have taken away his entire team… and isolated him. He has not been invited to any strategic planning meetings .. nothing. Lastly they put him on an informal PiP and took his last employee he had away from him.
He went to HR.. told them he wants to continue to work for them, but clearly knows what they are doing. He said he would gladly work with them to transition a new team and then leave or he would leave with a compensation package that is satisfactory to both parties now. They offered.. not in writing..4 weeks compensation and 2 weeks COBRA. Or to do the INFORMAL PIP and see what happens (in every case before people were fired without a severance when chosen this offer) We found this to be outrageous for 10 years of outstanding work.. being 63yo and we live in California. On top of all this.. they gave him 2 days to respond. When he asked for more time they gave him 2 more days and an 8am cut off. He feels threatened, scared, and pushed. Please.. we need advice.

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