
My Anti-Work Escapade

I've worked at Cookout since May of 2017, with a one year gap where I was working elsewhere. So I've been working with Cookout for four years. Two of those years I was a manager (eww I know).I started working there again this February.The store is hemorrhaging employee's to the point that several times I was the only employee on the clock. Queue – Anti-work May 10th I worked 9-12 as the only employee in the kitchen. My manager held the front and I held the back. I walked out, with no repercussions. I made it clear that I was not willing to do the work of 5 people for 14$/hr. On May 20th I walked out again for the same reason, this time leaving behind a note specifically detailing that employee's weren't willing to show up, that I need to get paid more, and that I was explicitly not…

I've worked at Cookout since May of 2017, with a one year gap where I was working elsewhere. So I've been working with Cookout for four years. Two of those years I was a manager (eww I know).I started working there again this February.The store is hemorrhaging employee's to the point that several times I was the only employee on the clock.

Queue – Anti-work

May 10th I worked 9-12 as the only employee in the kitchen. My manager held the front and I held the back. I walked out, with no repercussions. I made it clear that I was not willing to do the work of 5 people for 14$/hr.

On May 20th I walked out again for the same reason, this time leaving behind a note specifically detailing that employee's weren't willing to show up, that I need to get paid more, and that I was explicitly not quitting (gimme that unemployment check).

I was suspended for one week (which I think is incredibly dumb personally) and on the Monday of that week I went to pick up my check. I waited at the window for over 30 minutes as the manager on shift made eye contact with me several times, knowing that I was there. When she finally did get me my check she told me, somewhat jokingly, that they were short staffed. I wasn't having any of it, as far as I was concerned they were playing with my money. I showed up on check day at 2'O'clock as specifically laid out by the company.

I've spent basically my entire adult life at this company. They're sexist, racist, homophobic and will work you to death if you let them. Now, I've just been applying to other places to see if I can steal some of the workers but ultimately what I want to do is collective bargaining. I know that I make more than most employees and I want to group up with them and demand the GM pay us all the same.

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