
My Bonus Was More

I previously posted about how I felt screwed over by my boss. Some has changed since then. He's been putting in a huge effort to make his employees happier and I actually love working for him. He gave us a bonus on the most recent paycheck. My coworker and I discussed what we got. I received significantly more (think 3 times). Now, I'm in charge of completing appointments our office holds, which is essentially what brings in money. However, I couldn't hold the appointments without my coworker. Literally. He gets everything ready to go for me. He's worked his ass off to make sure we're in a good spot. He does all the follow up after the appointment, too. I'm so incredibly grateful for my bonus and I really like my boss. But I'm PISSED about my coworker's bonus. I know he deserves more. I have a pretty decent relationship…

I previously posted about how I felt screwed over by my boss. Some has changed since then. He's been putting in a huge effort to make his employees happier and I actually love working for him.

He gave us a bonus on the most recent paycheck. My coworker and I discussed what we got. I received significantly more (think 3 times).

Now, I'm in charge of completing appointments our office holds, which is essentially what brings in money. However, I couldn't hold the appointments without my coworker. Literally. He gets everything ready to go for me. He's worked his ass off to make sure we're in a good spot. He does all the follow up after the appointment, too.

I'm so incredibly grateful for my bonus and I really like my boss. But I'm PISSED about my coworker's bonus. I know he deserves more.

I have a pretty decent relationship with my boss and feel I can talk to him without fear of any repercussions. But I dunno if it's MY place to say something about this. I so badly want to reach out to my boss and just let him know how I feel that my coworker deserves more, but I don't wanna step on any toes either or make him think I'm ungrateful. I'm also not tryna get in someone else's business. It all just feels gross and wrong.

I'm not sure what to do. All opinions are helpful here!

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