
My boomer mother acted all shocked ‘I was acting depressed’

Boy oh boy, where do I begin 24 yo, broke, wasn't born into millions (entitled 1%-er trust fund kind pricks I'm looking at yall), cant do what I want or what would make me happy because I'm broke, and since I'm most likely not gonna be rich any time soon (to say the least), I also have no future prospects whatsoever. Hell, I don't have any plants to stay till I turn 40 to begin with I have been chronically depressed and angry for at least 9 years ever since I realized what I had been promised by my idiot parents (anybody can make it, where there's a will there's a way! pull yourself up by the bootstraps bla bla) was a goddamn lie The point of this thread isn't to throw a pity party, but to vent about how clueless boomers are and to never ever make the mistake…

Boy oh boy, where do I begin

  • 24 yo, broke, wasn't born into millions (entitled 1%-er trust fund kind pricks I'm looking at yall), cant do what I want or what would make me happy because I'm broke, and since I'm most likely not gonna be rich any time soon (to say the least), I also have no future prospects whatsoever. Hell, I don't have any plants to stay till I turn 40 to begin with

I have been chronically depressed and angry for at least 9 years ever since I realized what I had been promised by my idiot parents (anybody can make it, where there's a will there's a way! pull yourself up by the bootstraps bla bla) was a goddamn lie
The point of this thread isn't to throw a pity party, but to vent about how clueless boomers are and to never ever make the mistake of bringing kids into this world if you're not rich. And when I say rich, I'm not saying Elon Musk kinda rich (who inherited daddy's billions, yay!) but upper-middle class at the least

Hell my idiot mom literally just texted me I wasn't born to live for myself (ahahahaha wtf) but to be a productive member of society. LOL stfu, like the likes of Elon Musk etc give af about this stupid mantra ahahahah. He's laughing himself stupid all the way to the bank as we speak

Nobody gives a damn fuck about society. This is capitalism, where the wealth is concentrated into the hands of the 1%. The chosen lucky ones. And I damn sure don't feel like slaving away 8 hours a goddamn day to make them even richer, fuck that

vent over

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