
My boss asked me “how on earth I got a job here” because I didn’t say hello to him on my day off.

I'm a waiter at the world's shittiest 4 star hotel. Despite my feelings to the hotel however, I'm good at my job and put lots of effort in which is shown by the fact that ive never in my life had a customer complain about me. I came in on my day off to collect my new uniform. As I was walking towards the entrance, I saw the general manager of the hotel. I could've sworn he was on his phone. Either that or he was simply talking to himself. I walked straight past until he stopped me and laughed at me, asking “how on earth did you get a job here?” I was so taken aback I genuinely had idea what he was talking about. I think I blurted out something like “by doing an interview” and then he asked whether or not I say hello to people because…

I'm a waiter at the world's shittiest 4 star hotel. Despite my feelings to the hotel however, I'm good at my job and put lots of effort in which is shown by the fact that ive never in my life had a customer complain about me.

I came in on my day off to collect my new uniform. As I was walking towards the entrance, I saw the general manager of the hotel. I could've sworn he was on his phone. Either that or he was simply talking to himself.

I walked straight past until he stopped me and laughed at me, asking “how on earth did you get a job here?” I was so taken aback I genuinely had idea what he was talking about. I think I blurted out something like “by doing an interview” and then he asked whether or not I say hello to people because I just walked straight past him. I apologised and said I thought he was on his phone to which he laughed again and said no.

Since then, my position has been “under review” because he has been complaining about me to my supervisor.

Fair enough if I was in uniform and if I was ignoring customers but I'm tired of these entitled old men that have been neglected their entire lives so now they need to abuse any crumb of power they have to get attention. I have to bring that man his lunch every fucking day but because I didn't say hello to him, I'm apparently not good enough to be blessed with the prestigious opportunity to be a waiter at a hotel that's on the verge of bankruptcy. I'm like the third longest serving worker in my department already because people keep quitting.

I have to deal with enough snobby entitled bullshit from customers, I don't need it from management too.

Fuck the accommodation industry. I can't even get a different job in town because all the available positions are in hotels, all of which are under the same monopoly.

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