
My boss bought his partners and apparently now can only pay me 5.4€/h

Hi everyone, I'm a long time lurker, first time poster, but I need this today. First things first. I'm a R&D Mechanical Engineer in an Electronics company. I'm the ONLY Mechanical Engineer in this company and because of that almost every project comes to my hands at some point. Despite my official job being R&D Mechanical Engineer, I am also a Product Owner, and the guy which does all quality control protocols for production despite the company having a quality department (headed by the CEO's wife), and I produce critical products for big clients personally because the CEO says he sleeps better with that. In terms of jobs related to my job title, I've made projects from scratch ranging from smart cow boluses for lifestock datarecording, to telecomunication equipments and ventilators during covid. And I love my job, if I didn't I think I would have gone crazy with the…

Hi everyone,

I'm a long time lurker, first time poster, but I need this today.

First things first. I'm a R&D Mechanical Engineer in an Electronics company. I'm the ONLY Mechanical Engineer in this company and because of that almost every project comes to my hands at some point. Despite my official job being R&D Mechanical Engineer, I am also a Product Owner, and the guy which does all quality control protocols for production despite the company having a quality department (headed by the CEO's wife), and I produce critical products for big clients personally because the CEO says he sleeps better with that.

In terms of jobs related to my job title, I've made projects from scratch ranging from smart cow boluses for lifestock datarecording, to telecomunication equipments and ventilators during covid. And I love my job, if I didn't I think I would have gone crazy with the amount of work and deadlines I've got.

Soooo… I come here today to release some steam after what has been a very stressful day in the very stressful electronics industry (which at the moment has the problems everyone knows about).

Today my boss gave me a 80€ annual raise. Which gives me for the first time more than 1000€ in my bank account. He said that he couldn't give me more, and that despite my performance being unmatched, he had to secure the rope this year.

Sooo… This year, this guy… Bought out all other business partners and ended the year with saying that that would give him more liberty to increase our pay. At the same time he completly broke the all time revenue by 30%.

I just can't believe in this guy.

I'm completely destroyed phisically and mentally. I work much more than 40 hours a week and I'm not paid overtime. I'm starting to completlety break down. I've had this week several meetings which provided enormous results for the company for several of the projects I've been working on… And all my colleagues are starting to notice that I'm breaking. Several of them ask me how I am, and I'm just honest with them, that I can't keep going like this, but I can't fail, because they are in similar situations. But I've already decided that this weekend I'm gonna start looking elsewhere!!!

I'm sad and destroyed, and I just wanted to vent.
My family knows me and they support me greatly.
I've not seen them since Christmas, and I'm finally visiting for the whole week of Easter. But my boss says that my job is crucial for the company this year. And I bet this guy is gonna put me down for leaving in the Easter.

They have been dropping almost all the projects which relly purelly in electronics because the clients aren't fully supporting the overheads for the componenta. So now, this is getting just ridiculous for me, because every week I get bombarded with unreasonable work on top of more unreasonable. They keep hiring members to “diversify the team”, from the sons of the friends of the CEO which don't know shit about working, not talking even about this industry!

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