
my boss called my mom to tattle on me

I work at a small business most days and also work for a family business owned and operated by my mom. My boss from the small business called my mom because I told her that I wouldn't be able to work at her small business because of my family business (this was all in a text). Scheduling conflicts… So, instead of talking with me, she essentially tattles on me to my mom, framing it as though she is just trying to figure out my schedule, which she could have just talked to me about. I guess she started out with “I should probably be contacting me about this, but…”, admitting that she knows she's doing something she shouldn't be. My mom is also incredibly annoyed by this. Do y'all think this is acceptable? For perspective, this business only has 4 employees, including the owner. My family business is JUST me…

I work at a small business most days and also work for a family business owned and operated by my mom. My boss from the small business called my mom because I told her that I wouldn't be able to work at her small business because of my family business (this was all in a text). Scheduling conflicts…
So, instead of talking with me, she essentially tattles on me to my mom, framing it as though she is just trying to figure out my schedule, which she could have just talked to me about. I guess she started out with “I should probably be contacting me about this, but…”, admitting that she knows she's doing something she shouldn't be. My mom is also incredibly annoyed by this.

Do y'all think this is acceptable? For perspective, this business only has 4 employees, including the owner. My family business is JUST me and my mom.

Edit: I'd also like to add that they forgot to pay me for a seven hour shift a few weeks ago. I only found out because I checked my paystub for fun.

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