
My boss does absolutely nothing about workplace bullying. So now of all his employees are ghosting

I work remotely for a job based in Canada and have done so for 2 years now. It's hands down one of the most toxic environments I've ever experienced in a job. There's no HR, so nothing gets addressed or resolved. The bullying has been ramping up over the last 6 months and multiple people have ghosted. They've left their duties and the role without saying a word to anyone. I am far too overqualified for this role. I got stuck in it as I accepted it just before the pandemic began, and haven't been able to find a new role since. It kept me afloat during the lockdowns but it's been awful. Most of my colleagues contact me last minute asking me to do tasks for them, they contact me at midnight and at weekends asking me to do corrections. Even when I'm away for the weekend, they blow…

I work remotely for a job based in Canada and have done so for 2 years now. It's hands down one of the most toxic environments I've ever experienced in a job. There's no HR, so nothing gets addressed or resolved.

The bullying has been ramping up over the last 6 months and multiple people have ghosted. They've left their duties and the role without saying a word to anyone.

I am far too overqualified for this role. I got stuck in it as I accepted it just before the pandemic began, and haven't been able to find a new role since. It kept me afloat during the lockdowns but it's been awful. Most of my colleagues contact me last minute asking me to do tasks for them, they contact me at midnight and at weekends asking me to do corrections. Even when I'm away for the weekend, they blow up my phone. I offer up valuable marketing ideas as the clients are failing – none are taken on board. If I don't respond within a few minutes, they begin blowing up my phone and demanding an answer.

Most importantly, my boss does absolutely nothing about the workplace bullying which has been happening by 2 women. Last week one of the women targeted me on Basecamp on a project and left a huge paragraph of abuse directed at me saying I am useless, calling me names, making personal remarks and saying I can't do my job properly despite doing everything she asked correctly.

She did this in front of all our colleagues and clients.

I apologized to one of the employees who has to read through all of these comments to do her work pointing out that this should be a safe environment for her to work in.

She has now ghosted. Nobody can get ahold of her. I don't blame her. She is now the 8th employee to ghost.

I sent the screenshots to my boss asking if he would address the abuse. He said he would. He hasn't. Nothing's been done. The huge paragraph of abuse aimed at me is still there. I haven't heard from him since.

Ironically, one of the women who has been bullying others makes multiple spelling mistakes in her designs – I've been helping her by pointing them out before the client sees them. Not anymore.

I refuse to put time, effort and expertise into an environment where bullying is allowed. I've deleted basecamp and slack off my phone so they can't contact me at all hours of the day and I'll only be checking in to do my work once a week, then billing them.

I'm going to do the most half ass job imaginable.

Seriously, screw this.

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