
My boss expects us to wait outside in 103 degree weather.

I live in Arizona and work at a big venue. My coworkers and I have been carpooling to work allot lately because you know gas prices, parking costs, and being environmentally friendly, all that good stuff. Our in time is normally the same but we all work in different areas of the arena so when we are closing our out times normally stagger between 15-20 min. So last night after working a super busy concert I finish up closing my area, go to the office to hand in my paper work, and clock out. My other coworker is right behind me just a couple min later and does the same thing. We then go up one floor to check on our other coworker to see how much longer until she is finished with her closing duties and she’s wrapping it up so we wait while she does everything and then…

I live in Arizona and work at a big venue. My coworkers and I have been carpooling to work allot lately because you know gas prices, parking costs, and being environmentally friendly, all that good stuff. Our in time is normally the same but we all work in different areas of the arena so when we are closing our out times normally stagger between 15-20 min. So last night after working a super busy concert I finish up closing my area, go to the office to hand in my paper work, and clock out. My other coworker is right behind me just a couple min later and does the same thing. We then go up one floor to check on our other coworker to see how much longer until she is finished with her closing duties and she’s wrapping it up so we wait while she does everything and then all walk back down to the office together so she can hand her stuff in and clock out also. As we wait outside the office our big boss walks up and tells us we have to immediately leave the building when we are finished with our shift. I say to him we all carpooled together so that’s why we are here waiting! He rudely interrupts what I’m saying as he is walking away back into the office repeating it doesn’t matter we need to get out of the building immediately after we clock out. Soooooo It was 103 degrees outside,we just worked a sold out show of around 13,000 people,we are 3 colorful women who also have to walk blocks away late at night to get to our car(they don’t provide us with parking only the managers get that privilege),while having to use clear bags(if you have cash that you made it better be hidden) , and you want us to stand outside for 20 minutes?! Fuck you. I’m so tired of this being normal.

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