
My boss is a narcissistic abuser

Hello everyone. So I have worked for this manipulative woman for four years and this past week, after a month of working with limited resources from July 4-20, I said I was burnt out. I took Friday off by giving the legal definition of burn out. Today I came in to a meeting on my cal for just the two of us … no HR I had a conversation that left me emotional upset and questioning the integrity of my company. I was on a call for an hour for what I was hoping would have been a check in on my mental and emotional health after I called out sick on Thursday and Friday … and instead was gas lit, manipulated and borderline harassed into justifying my work load my mental and emotional state and the sick leave I took. I feel manipulated. I feel exhausted. And I feel…

Hello everyone.

So I have worked for this manipulative woman for four years and this past week, after a month of working with limited resources from July 4-20, I said I was burnt out.

I took Friday off by giving the legal definition of burn out.

Today I came in to a meeting on my cal for just the two of us … no HR

I had a conversation that left me emotional upset and questioning the integrity of my company.

I was on a call for an hour for what I was hoping would have been a check in on my mental and emotional health after I called out sick on Thursday and Friday … and instead was gas lit, manipulated and borderline harassed into justifying my work load my mental and emotional state and the sick leave I took. I feel manipulated. I feel exhausted. And I feel scared. I don’t want to log in feeling afraid.

Harassment , bullying , and manipulation , abuse are all words I would use to describe the hostility I felt coming from my manager today, after returning from what I wanted to be a restful time off to recharge.

I would like to also state having a conversation, not one where I was asked about my well being or where I needed help, but one where my abilities as a worker and legitimacy of my burn out was called into question and invalidated.

This is in fact something I anticipated with dread all weekend. Which speaks to the culture of fear of retaliation when speaking up about exhaustion.

This is so wrong. This is so unfair. And this is the definition of hostility in the work place.

I’m at a loss for how I want to proceed…

I think at this point I just want to be heard and assured that there can be no retaliation for my vocalizing my feelings of burn out.

That’s really all. I just want to feel safe.

Anyone out there have any advice? Do I go to HR?

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